
That’s My Dog

February 28, 2015

They didn’t have to say it but often did: Herb, you’re awfully lonely here; why don’t you get a dog? He knew what they meant. They might as well have said, Herb, you’re chubby and balding and rather shy; we don’t think you can keep a woman. Herb agreed. That was the rough part. He…

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Late Night Howl

January 4, 2012

damn neighborhoods without streetlights make me get lost and run right over darting dogs can’t stop in dark since howls unsettling and owners might do something

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Dog with Gun

January 4, 2012

puppy king of yard happy growing fast father moves in usually eats some of son’s food and won’t let have any unless owner monitors pup gets skinny starts cowering and stops only when predeceases father if pup had gun things could’ve been different

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Dinosaur Dogs

January 4, 2012

thrilled to see two dinosaurs size of dogs and ask owner their age says seven they can barely get up and walk soon won’t be able to at all and will have to put down just like you someday

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Canine Insight

January 3, 2012

ann swears dog knows her moods prances when happy cringes when not and whines when boyfriend visits

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