Hate Crimes
Five Youths Attack Old Man
On Father’s Day at a church in Chicago, Barack Obama preached that “of all the rocks upon which we build our lives…family is the most important.” And we must “recognize and honor how critical every father is to that foundation…They are mentors and role models. They are examples of success…But if we are honest…we’ll admit…
Read MoreAfrican American Activist Denounces Hate Crimes Trial
I hope you’ve been reading about the typical white racist attempt to just about lynch those ten black juveniles, including nine girls, falsely accused of stomping three young white women outside a haunted house last Halloween night in Long Beach, California. When they were surrounded by a group of taunting, crotch-grabbing African Americans, the white…
Read MoreAccepting Responsibility for Gang Violence
Driving home one recent night I inadvertently punched in a radio station offering the local news, that eternal barrage of murders, fires, and car crashes. I would’ve turned to something more stimulating but was startled by the strident voice, half way to a yell, of a lady who in this story will be called Ann…
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