Writing to Joe Biden Again
To Joe Biden, Despite being a lifelong Democrat, I’m surprised you keep asking me to send you money since I’ve made it clear I never support Nazis, and you by any horrific standard are a Nazi in the style of Hitler and Netanyahu. You are not only morally blind but senile and sinking fast, and…
Read MoreMy Message to Biden Campaign
I just received an email from Ming Lewis, “Deputy Director of Email and SMS” for the Biden-Harris campaign. Ming wants money so Joe Biden, Anthony Blinken, Kamala Harris, and the U.S. Congress can continue to fund the slaughter of the people of Gaza, not to mention Ukraine. This is my brief response to the Biden…
Read MoreFirst Steps Toward Peace
In the Oval Office, Secretary of State Antony Blinken extends a paper across the desk and says, “Mr. President, we have a new report from Gaza.” “Just read it to me, please.” Blinken, sitting opposite Biden, clears his throat and reports, “More than twenty-three thousand people, including at least ten thousand children, have been killed…
Read MoreZelensky Duels Putin – 5
In a sealed room somewhere bombs can’t be heard, Vladimir Putin, standing by his chair, points to a table long as a bowling lane, and says, “Please sit down.” Volodymyr Zelensky stations himself at one end and Putin the other. “Welcome, President Zelensky. I trust you had a comfortable trip. As you know, I guaranteed…
Read MoreHITLER HERE – On Sale All Week
Hitler Here is a well researched and lyrically written biographical novel offering first-person stories by the Fuehrer and a variety of other characters. This intimate approach invites the reader to peer into Hitler’s mind, talk to Eva Braun, joust with Goering, Goebbels, and Himmler, debate with the generals, fight on land and at sea and…
Read MoreWhere did Hitler Die?
I spent twenty years researching and writing a biographical novel called Hitler Here and hoped, after some post-publication interviews, I’d never have to answer any more related questions, which tended to be either of the “Did Elvis really serenade Hitler on Mars?” or “We sure need another guy like him, don’t we?” variety. Most such…
Read MoreHimmler Visits North Korea
I’m tired of people joking the Reichsfuehrer SS once gagged and almost fainted after seeing some civilians shot. I did stagger, yes, but didn’t fall or vomit and, after being helped away and recovering, I sent orders to continue shooting. That’s such a slow and messy process, I know. We don’t have any gas chambers…
Read MoreThe Chancellor
night hitler became chancellor said no power will get me out alive 1-30-33
Read MoreBerlin Jewish Cultural League
What wonderful idea is Berlin Jewish Cultural League that comfortably immerses in arts we hundred seventy-five thousand Jewish Berliners who shall relax until Nazism disappears which will surely be soon. In meantime we have music and other outlets here and around Germany. It’s unfortunate but tolerable only Jews perform in orchestra and only Jews attend…
Read MoreGunter Grass’ Poem for Israel
Criticize Gunter Grass not for being anti-Semitic, which he isn’t, but for choosing the wrong medium to present “What Must Be Said” about the dangers and inequities of Israeli foreign policy. In the second stanza Grass is poetic rather than precise in stating Israel plans “a strike to snuff out the Iranian people.” The descendents…
Read MoreIvan the Terrible
identification card proves ivan demjanjuk guarded jews at sobibor death camp demjanjuk insists had to or die only handful of two hundred fifty thousand jews survived and no aged survivor remembers so ivan demjanjuk though convicted as accessory in murder of twenty-eight thousand was released to german nursing home pending appeal at least he’ll never…
Read MoreI’m not Hitler
Forgive anger for I have been abused. Though millions suffered more than I, we all ended alike, so I speak with humility and wouldn’t at all if not for most recent outrage which shall address in moment. First, I acknowledge years of good fortune. I was raised in affluent household of physician and charming and…
Read MoreHistorian Offers to Write Screenplay about Hitler Here
How pleased I recently was to receive an email with the subject “Screenplay” and addressed to “Illustrious Sir”. The correspondent introduced himself with news he’d been reading my biographical novel Hitler Here and thought it was “great” and “what an ordeal (I) must have gone through to produce it.” Since the book took twenty years…
Read MoreAhmadinejad and Bush Spar at the United Nations
In a startling (and heretofore unreported) miscalculation in security planning last week at the United Nations in New York, secret service agents led a rapidly-departing President George W. Bush right into the exit path of the man he most loves to talk about but least wants to talk to, President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad of Iran. President…
Read MoreA Jewish Girl in Nazi Germany
During the Los Angeles Book Fair at UCLA in late April, sun-splattered readers roamed by the thousands, and scores stopped by Tent 106 to talk to three other authors and me about our books. Mine is called Hitler Here. It’s a biographical novel, and the cover bears a menacing, pencil portrait of the man in…
Read MoreFrom Germany, a Comedy about Hitler
“Did you know they’ve been laughing about Hitler in Germany?” asked the publicist. “Now?” I responded. “No, I didn’t. They ribbed him quite a bit until he took power in 1933, and they still did once in a while later in the 30’s. But they had to be careful.” “This is different. They’ve made a…
Read MoreSixty Years after Hitler
Sixty years ago tomorrow gasoline fumes jolted Adolf Hitler and his new bride Eva as they exited their suite to walk a solemn line. Staff members shook hands with the mentally and physically shattered Fuehrer who was unable to speak. Eva took each man’s hand and hugged the women, urging one to try to get…
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