First Review of “Where Will We Sleep?” – 5 Stars on Amazon
November 25, 2021
Amazon Reviewer
Melanie S. Brown
A view into the lives of homeless folks from USA, Mexico, Spain and other places around the world. Everyone’s story is unique and tragic. Many struggle with alcohol or drug addiction but not all. There are many programs and shelters offering help, but there’s no one way to “fix” the issue. However, I believe the author has a point as far as our government needing to reallocate funds from defense to aiding our homeless population. They are people too.
Determined to learn more about those who fate did not favor, I toured tattered, handmade refuges of those without homes and also interviewed them on the streets and in homeless shelters, and conversed with the poor in the United States, Mexico, Ecuador, and Spain, and on occasion wrote composite stories to illuminate their difficult lives.
Where Will We Sleep is a revised edition focusing on poverty and homelessness.