Mullah Omar Denounces
December 21, 2014
My comrades and I in the Afghan Taliban are outraged by the cowardly and vicious attack by so-called Pakistani Taliban fighters who murdered a hundred forty innocent children studying at a military school in Peshawar. We would never commit such vile crimes, and extend profound condolences to the Pakistani government, and particularly the Inter-Service Intelligence, which has so generously supported and harbored us for many years. I must, however, urge you not to trust reports that Afghan Taliban leaders and I are ensconced in Quetta, a city of almost a million souls near our border. True, the city is lovely and offers nearby Hanna Lake, a turquoise jewel amid barren brown hills, and a national park. I don’t think, however, I could live in a city that allows indecent sports such as soccer, cricket, boxing, and bodybuilding. I also wouldn’t like festivals featuring food and crafts. These permissive activities have spawned trouble.