New Iranian President
October 1, 2013
I am Hassan Rouhani, new president of Iran and most reasonable and educated man. I speak Persian, Arabic, and English well, received law degree in Scotland, and have served Iran in many high military, diplomatic, and political offices. No one has more relevant experience. I understand people and universal need for expression and think you will like me. I will like you too, if you are reasonable. My demands are eminently fair. Other nuclear nations must acknowledge Iran under international law has right to enrich uranium for peaceful endeavors. We will keep levels of enrichment low and make easy to verify. Therefore we must cordially insist others also use nuclear energy solely for peaceful purposes. Will United States and Israel guarantee nuclear purity? In Iran, we are concerned but optimistic since I am more enlightened than predecessor Ahmadinejad and condemn undeniable Nazi slaughter of Jews and many others. With equal concern I now urge victims of Holocaust to stop seeking compensation by victimizing others.