Silvio Berlusconi
June 27, 2013
Those saying I’m thief and libertine are fools. I’m suave multi-billionaire media mogul who as prime minister and consummate politician dominated Italy for generation. Regrettably, latest idiots are three dowdy female judges, jealous of Berlusconi allure for gorgeous young women, who sentenced me to seven years prison and banned from politics for life. They won’t succeed. I’ll never abandon battle to make Italy free and just country where I can’t be framed for screwing underage prostitute. Ask Ruby. She told court we never had intercourse at lavish bunga parties which weren’t about sex, they were about naked women. Enemies couldn’t match style or beat me at polls so reverted to unprecedented level of violence.
I’ll also be successful in final appeal for tax fraud, another frame-up. And I’ll demolish pending charges of corruption and bribery. All this is unconscionable. No one who believes in liberty can imagine me in prison rest of life.