Hitler Here
Hitler Here
HITLER HERE is a well researched and lyrically written biographical novel offering first-person stories by the Fuehrer and a variety of other characters. This intimate approach invites the reader to peer into Hitler’s mind, talk to Eva Braun, joust with Goering, Goebbels, and Himmler, debate with the generals, fight on land and at sea and…
Read More78th Anniversary – Colonel von Stauffenberg Planted Bomb at Hitler’s Feet
VALKYRIE AGAIN By Colonel Claus von Stauffenberg My adjutant was scrambling through his briefcase as I dug in mine. Gripping special pliers with my thumb and two fingers, I squeezed and broke the acid capsule. That activated the bomb in my briefcase. “I need more room,” I told Lieutenant von Haeften. “Help me get these…
Read MoreReview of “Hitler Here” from the Czech Republic
In 2006 I sold my biographical novel Hitler Here to the publisher Mlada Fronta in the Czech Republic. I hadn’t heard from them in a long time so I Googled the Czech book title – Tady Hitler – and was delighted to see the following 5 Star review by Denisa Siomickova from October 2020. Very…
Read MoreWhere did Hitler Die?
I spent twenty years researching and writing a biographical novel called Hitler Here and hoped, after some post-publication interviews, I’d never have to answer any more related questions, which tended to be either of the “Did Elvis really serenade Hitler on Mars?” or “We sure need another guy like him, don’t we?” variety. Most such…
Read MoreCrimean Anschluss
Be assured: if I, instead of slumbering Stalin, had been running Russia in 1941, the Germans wouldn’t have attacked and mauled us because I would’ve already smashed them. I understand what’s necessary. We must keep enemies away from our frontiers. The United States and its European mercenaries will not be allowed to surround us with…
Read MoreFrench Antisemitism
Husky librarian lectured members of historical society about vast news and photo archives and then discussed college background, emphasizing in grad school had researched paper about nineteenth century French anti-Semitism. As author of “Hitler Here” I approached and said, that’s obscure subject. Yes, but fascinating, he replied. I focused on Edouard Drumont, Adolf Hitler of…
Read MoreBerlin Jewish Cultural League
What wonderful idea is Berlin Jewish Cultural League that comfortably immerses in arts we hundred seventy-five thousand Jewish Berliners who shall relax until Nazism disappears which will surely be soon. In meantime we have music and other outlets here and around Germany. It’s unfortunate but tolerable only Jews perform in orchestra and only Jews attend…
Read MoreHistorian Offers to Write Screenplay about Hitler Here
How pleased I recently was to receive an email with the subject “Screenplay” and addressed to “Illustrious Sir”. The correspondent introduced himself with news he’d been reading my biographical novel Hitler Here and thought it was “great” and “what an ordeal (I) must have gone through to produce it.” Since the book took twenty years…
Read MoreSixty Years after Hitler
Sixty years ago tomorrow gasoline fumes jolted Adolf Hitler and his new bride Eva as they exited their suite to walk a solemn line. Staff members shook hands with the mentally and physically shattered Fuehrer who was unable to speak. Eva took each man’s hand and hugged the women, urging one to try to get…
Read MoreLetter to Holocaust Deniers
A few days ago I received several e-mails from a group that says it didn’t happen. To the RePorter NoteBook: Your insinuations and assertions that the Holocaust never happened are preposterous and insulting, and your general explanation of how the ruse was pulled off is pitiful: Americans in the conquered West and Russians in the occupied East lied about the…
Read MoreNavigating the Amazonian Universe
“Find Hitler Here,” I said to the computer expert. “It’s right there,” he said. “Not the old, out-of-print edition with the swastika on the cover. The current edition, with Hitler’s menacing portrait on the cover, the one you designed.” The expert, who in his living room has two monitors as large as respectable television screens…
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